October 26-28, 2018
Nanjing, China
(First Announcement, May 16th)
Hosted by the College of Oceanography, Hohai University, the “South China Sea Annual Meeting 2018” will be held in Nanjing, China. This workshop is scheduled in the Xikang Hotel (No.33 Xikang Road) from October 26 to 28, 2018.
The series of the workshops on “Mesoscale Processes in the South China Sea” has been successfully held for 4 times, sponsored by Xiamen University on the topic of “Ocean Meso-scale Processes at the Luzon Strait”, by Guangdong Ocean University on “Mesoscale Processes and Ocean Mixing in the South China Sea” by the Chinese University of Hong Kong on “South China Sea Coastal and Ocean Meso-scale Processes”, and by First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration on “Mesoscale Processes and Deep Water Circulation in the South China Sea”, respectively. This will be the 5th international workshop of the series, and will provide an opportunity for exchanging and sharing ideas and recent progresses on the mesoscale/submesoscale processes and deep water circulation in the South China Sea (SCS).
Themes and topics:
(1) In situ observation and simulation of mesoscale/submesoscale processes in the SCS
(2) Air-sea flux and upper layer ocean mixing in the SCS
(3) High frequency variability in the SCS
(4) Multi-scale variability of inter-ocean water exchange and heat/salt budget
(5) Deep water circulation in the SCS
(6) Numerical simulation of the mesoscale processes and deep water circulation in the SCS
This workshop will have oral and poster presentation sessions based on the subjects and numbers of abstracts to be submitted.
An abstract is requested for participation to the workshop. The abstract of 200-300 words should include the title, author list, affiliations, and key points of your work. If an official invitation letter for applying visa for travelling to China is requested, please specially notify the Local Organizing Committee in the cover letter as early as possible.
Deadline for Abstract Submission
August 15, 2018 (by 11:59 pm, Beijing Time).
Please submit abstracts by email:
Workshop Location
Xikang Hotel, Nanjing
No.33 Xikang Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China
Sponsored by
College of Oceanography, Hohai University
LTO, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Science
Dr. Yiquan Qi, College of Oceanography, Hohai University
Dr. Quanan Zheng, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA
Dr. Dongxiao Wang, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Science
Local Organizing Committee
Dr. Xuhua Cheng
E-mail: xuhuacheng@hhu.edu.cn
Dr. Qing Xu
E-mail: maggiexu@hhu.edu.cn
Ms. Mengting Yin
E-mail: mengting.yin@hhu.edu.cn
Telephone: 025-83787813