

报告题目:Inter-Connected Circulation and Climate Variability in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean



腾讯会议:978 939 05



  裘波教授1984年本科毕业于日本京都大学地球物理学专业,1986年获同校物理海洋学硕士学位,1990年获同校物理海洋学博士学位。1990-1992年在美国伍兹霍尔研究所做博士后,1992-1993年被伍兹霍尔研究所聘为助理研究员。2003年成为夏威夷大学终身教授。裘波教授主要从事海洋动力学研究,是太平洋西边界流和大尺度环流研究领域最有影响力的专家之一,具有很高的国际学术声望。裘波教授还在国际气候变率与可预报性(CLIVAR)太平洋委员会、亚澳季风委员会和美国Argo执行委员会等学术组织任职。截至目前,裘波教授在国际著名学术刊物上共发表学术论文150余篇,其中大部分发表在物理海洋的顶级刊物Journal of Physical Oceanography上,论文被广泛引用,H-index指数为542020年裘波教授被美国气象学会授予亨利·斯托梅尔研究奖章(Henry Stommel Research Medal)。



   In this talk, I will review multi-scaled variability observed in the major current systems in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean, namely, the Kuroshio Extension (KE), the Subtropical Countercurrent (STCC), and the Kuroshio path bimodality south of Japan. Rather than regarding these 3 current variations as independent features, I will focus on theirinter-connectivities through the concrete example of the 2017 Kuroshio large mender event. In addition to their forced variability by the atmosphere, I will also stress the roles by the decadal KE variability on the overlying atmosphere. The take away message is that there is a need to explore and understand the northwestern Pacific Ocean variability as an integrated climate system.