(Email: qysong@hhu.edu.cn )
2007-2011 中国海洋大学 海洋科学 理学学士
2011-2013 中国海洋大学 物理海洋 理学硕士
2013-2018 德国基尔大学 物理海洋 理学博士
2018-2020 日本名古屋大学宇宙地球环境研究所 助理研究员
2021-2023 河海大学海洋学院 博士后
2024至今 河海大学海洋学院 副研究员
Song, Q., Tang, Y., & Aiki, H., 2023, Equatorial wave diagnosis for the Atlantic Niño in 2019 with an ocean reanalysis. Ocean Science, 19(6), 1705-1717.
Song, Q., Tang, Y., & Aiki, H., 2023, Dual Wave Energy Sources for the Atlantic Niño Events Identified by Wave Energy Flux in Case Studies. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 128(7), e2023JC019972.
Song, Q., Aiki, H., & Tang, Y., 2023, The role of equatorially forced waves in triggering Benguela Niño/Niña as investigated by an energy flux diagnosis. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 128(4), e2022JC019272.
Song Q. and Aiki H., 2021, Horizontal energy flux of wind-driven intraseasonal waves in the tropical Atlantic by a unified diagnosis. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 51(9), 3037-3050.
Song Q. and Aiki H., 2020, The climatological horizontal pattern of energy flux in the tropical Atlantic as identified by a unified diagnosis for Rossby and Kelvin waves. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125(2), e2019JC015407.
Song Q., Mayerle R., Yu Y. and Li C., 2020, An application study on 4D variational wave assimilation scheme in German Bight with low spatial observation coverage Journal of Oceanography, 76, 29-41.
Li X., Li M., Amoudry L. O., Ramirez-Mendoza R., Thorne P. D., Song Q., and McLelland S. J., 2020, Three-dimensional modelling of suspended sediment transport in the far wake of tidal stream turbines. Renewable Energy, 151, 956-965.
Li X., Li M., Jordan L. B., McLelland S., Song Q. and Comerford L., 2019, Modelling impacts of tidal stream turbines on surface wave. Renewable energy, 130, 725-734.
Song Q. and R. Mayerle, 2018, Assessment of wave energy potential along the south coast of Java Island. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 133, No. 1, p. 012019). IOP Publishing.
Song Q. and R. Mayerle, 2017, A 4D variational assimilation scheme with partition method for nearshore wave models. Ocean Dynamics, 67(8), 989-1002.
宋箐阳,于华明,陈学恩,李晓荣,2014, 卫星高度计数据样本大小对潮汐信息提取的影响. 中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版), 2014,44(05).