【海韵大讲堂】第二百六十一期 CoRea1860+: A new coupled reanalysis of the climate from 1860 to the present


报 告 人:王意国 高级研究员,挪威南森环境与遥感中心(NERSC)



主 持 人:沈浙奇 副教授


Climate reanalyses refer to dynamically consistent reconstruction of past climate conditions using a combination of observational data and numerical models. It is of high importance to study climate variability, understand climate processes, and initialise climate predictions. We recently produced a long and coupled reanalysis from 1860 to the present with the Norwegian Climate Prediction Model (NorCPM) that assimilates sea surface temperature (SST) observations. NorCPM combines the Norwegian Earth System Model and the ensemble Kalman filter data assimilation method. SST is available for the whole period and is the primary source of instrumental oceanic measurements prior to the 1950s. Our reanalysis belongs to the category of sparse input reanalysis that minimizes artefacts due to changes in the observation network. The time extent of the reanalysis allows us to assess robustly the mechanisms driving the decadal variability and predictability. Furthermore, as we only used the oceanic data during assimilation, the reanalysis helps to understand the contribution of the ocean in driving variability of the climate system (e.g., the atmosphere and sea ice). We present a comprehensive analysis of the reanalysis in surface air temperature, sea level pressure, Arctic sea ice extent, ocean heat/salt content, and Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC).

